Dark Day
Dark day - 18x24
One of the weird cultural norms about platforms like Facebook is that we mostly use it to show the shiniest and happiest parts of our lives and tend to hide the rest. Hence it can be depressing when our inner demons start comparing our real lives to the bright patina of all the happy posts of our friends who appear to be "winning" life on any particular day. Don't get me wrong: I love the happy posts. And I am guilty of posting more than my share of them. But as someone who has struggled in the shadows and felt worried in the fog many times, it's ok with me that an honest portrayal of our lives includes the harder parts. I asked a mathematician/musician friend once if she could explain to me in a way I might understand what it is that makes good music good. She told me that good music has both consonance and dissonance. It strikes me that the same thing can be said about a "good" life. A truly good life is not always clear and easy and bright and sunny. I tried to capture this in this almost colorless memory of heading out in the fog. Sometimes our days are just like that.